Kamile Bidan is an autistic child whose parents are killed by the Titans, the most evil bastards in the Earth Sphere. Even better than Gundam 79, with more romance, higher stakes, and more action. Not to mention, the "bad guys" were right the whole time. Some more problems this time, namely overpopulation and environmentalism, seen through a left-wing lens, become more in your face,...
Overall a good movie made by mostly Icelanders. The cast is all white, the main female actress may be mixed in some way but it's hard to tell. She was born in Sweden and grew up in Iceland. The movie shows the beauty of agricultural family life. The main couple had a previous daughter die which sets the context of the film. Surprising but somewhat annoying ending.
This is def a hidden gem. Excellent visuals, Castlevania style fight scenes, fascinating world building, characters do not at all seem to track well-known anime stereotypes and in fact have very interesting personalities and dialogue. Its part action, horror, mystery, suspense but they blend well together to give a very batman style aesthetic. Also good to know is that there is virtually no smut,...
It is such a shame that so many people are missing out on this masterpiece, due to the colored hair and the shitty game that the show is based off. The show has nothing to do with League of Trannies, and this is the only good piece of media released so far this decade. It has some shitty ghetto rap music and a cringey community that's allegory for urban blacks or something in episode 7, but sitting...
I admit when things get too popular I often feel the need to be contrarian and try to return balance to it and I was sour on this show for a long time. Sitting down and watching it thought it is truly an excellent piece of work. It is definitely the best anime ever made when it comes to exploring core political issues such as international relations, historical revisionism, the security dilemma, and...
As films go today this is very good and free from most of the Marxist, Feminist, anti-White, LGBTQ and Atheist themes present is much of the media we now receive
If you want a film about the Civil War that is profoundly historically accurate, respectful, intense, emotional, and introduces you to historical figures you've never seen before... this is it. Gods and Generals ought to be seen as a classic, better than even The Patriot with Mel Gibson. If you haven't heard of this film or haven't watched it yet, check it out. It's worth it
Although the last season may be considered as weaker than the other ones, all in all, this show is still wonderful. It is deep, smart and interesting. The characters are well built and well written (and, for example, you get really strong, interresting and deep female characters who are still human, and thus can fail, can be wrong, are sometimes weak or silly or cowardly ... just like their male counterparts)...
Incredible action sequences. Incredible music. Emphasizes the goodness of family, human survival and meaning, optimism over pessimism. A beautiful work
A TV show for kids about human biology ... because yes, biology exists, and yes, it matters. Each episode is about a part of the human body (cells, brain, blood, lungs, etc.) and is understandable by a smart 5-years-old kid or an average 7-years-old. It is well explained, and the level of description fits the level of understanding of a child of this age. The science is a tiny but outdated, but it's...
One of the best Mystery/Thriller K-dramas out there. The pacing is slow and sometimes agonizing, but the show truly communicates the hopelessness and fear the OP fears from his neighbors and ultimately the main antagonist. The show tells the story of a university student who rents out a very cheap apartment in hopes of saving money, but his neighbors make life very hard for them. Each of the neighbors...
Narrated by Liam Neeson, one of the most brutal and interesting documentaries. It's History. Show it to your family
Its a nice survival horror, feels like an extended movie. Its one of those few zombie survival shows that isn't afraid of killing off well developed characters, which can be a good way to build tension and stress, or it could be a problem because now your fav character is dead. The story and plot is pretty basic but it has an interesting take on the origins, the guy who creates the zombie virus had...
Megazone 23 is a relatively obscure cyberpunk anime that has huge prominence in the oldschool community. I'd strongly recommend this anime because it explores hyperreality and I'd argue its better than the Matrix series. It has all the 80s cyberpunk codes of conventions you could ask for. The enigma is brilliant and well paced. Plus, the soundtrack is lethal. One criticism I have about this movie is...
Megazone 23 Part II is a solid sequel to the first movie. The character designs are far superior and even hold up today. The animation is gorgeous and the soundtrack is still great. The second half of the film has an amazing all-out motorcycle calvary charge against the government forces and the underground military. Unlike the sequels the Matrix got, the ending is more satisfying, but comes at a huge...
The Story is fantastic and engaging, while the characters are complex and enjoyable to watch. Animation and colors pop and make everything look visually stunning through a nice blend of hand drawn animation and CGI. Philosophies are at stake during battles which gives them so much more weight. Verbal encounters between characters hold so much over the story as well, as the manipulation in this show...
One of the best sci-fi movies of all time
The movie is the epitome of the thing it subverts. Good watch. Adult themes. Inundated with luciferian(?) iconography and themes. It understands itself. Not for family. JUST WATCH! It's weird, and the most interesting movie you'll see the whole year
Jin Roh the Wolf Brigade is a darker retelling of Little Red Riding Hood set in post-ww2 German occupied Japan. Featuring everyone's favourite right wing death squad, the main character is Kazuki Fuse, a member of the elite Kerberos Panzer Cops. When the right wing death squad crushes a pinko rebellion. Kazuki has to re-examine his own humanity after witnessing a teenage girl have an allah...